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Rabbit Care



Rabbit Environment

Most people want a rabbit but aren't sure what they are in for or how to care for one so here is a quick run through on their environment, this article includes what should be included, what must not be included, and optional additions. MUST be included: Rabbits need a cage or pen big enough they can stretch out in and stand up on their hind legs in with also having the rest of the needed supplies (if you're not free roaming but not all rabbits do good with free roaming). The rabbit's area must include: -Water Bottle/croc -Food Bowl/Feeder -Hay rack/bag (or just throw the hay on the side for them to eat) -Litter box and pine shavings (if litter box trained) -Thick untreated stick they can chew on (can be one from outside) Optional: -1+ toys -Resting mat MADE FOR RABBITS MUST NOT include: -Towels, Blankets, bath mats, rugs or fabrics of any kind due to rabbits loving to chew and if this gets caught in their throat/stomach.... well I think you get the idea! Rabbit Diet This section will talk about the do's and don'ts in a rabbit diet, lets get started! MUST HAVE: -Pellets (free fed) -Timothy Hay (free fed) NO NO TREATS; -Potatoes -Beans -Maple Leaves -Cabbage -Broccoli -Cauliflower -Sugary Treats -Iceberg Lettuce -Cherry Anything -Celery __________________________ TREAT AMOUNTS: -Apple 1/2 slice per week -Carrot 1 inch from the bottom per week -Banana 1-3 slices per week -Small berries 1-3 per day -strawberries one per day -Lettuce one leaf -parsley one strand (Choose 1-2 of these options but remember you don't HAVE to feed them treats its just fun and a good way to spoil them) ________________________ EXTRA: Lettuce vs. parsley parsley is better for their stomachs! Raspberries vs. Strawberries Strawberries are lighter on their stomachs Apple x Carrot Personally, its apple over carrot but I'm pretty sure they are equal in intensity to the rabbit stomach. Banana x Strawberry Both are about equal in intensity to the rabbit stomach **Alfalfa hay is not good for adult rabbits, personally I like to feed timothy hay throughout their entire lifetime,** Rabbit do’s and Don’ts These are a few common do’s and don’ts people have questions about frequently. DO: Give attention every day rabbits get bored easily and need daily attention. Outdoor play rabbits need outdoor play and some time outdoors every once in a while, to stretch their legs and get some fresh air. Too much exercise can result in poor coat/flesh condition, if this ever happens feed Calf Manna and black oil sunflower seeds, this is also good to feed before shows and the sunflower seeds are overall good for them! DO NOT leave your rabbit in the sun they will COOK it’s not good for them make sure they always have shade no fabrics or towels of any kind OTHER GREAT RABBIT WEBSITES: Blog | Rose Petal Rabbitry Rabbit Care - LOTS OF LOPS RABBITRY

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